Prairie Poltergeist by Frank Hurt & RaeLea Hurt

Prairie Poltergeist by Frank Hurt & RaeLea Hurt

Author:Frank Hurt & RaeLea Hurt [Hurt, Frank & Hurt, RaeLea]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781948313926
Publisher: Hurtdidit
Published: 2020-03-21T04:00:00+00:00


Stupid Invincible Girl

Anna would drive them back to Minot as quickly as she dared. Before they left the motorhome base camp, she stopped by her car to grab her cell phone. She called ahead for a Healer to be ready when they got to the clinic.

“Gloria and Elizabeth both,” Ember had insisted from the passenger seat. “And make sure Geoff’s there with his mandolin, too.”

The changeling woman had given her a quizzical look, but relayed the message as requested.

They were waiting outside the urgent care rooms when Ember and Anna arrived.

“Oh! Foolishness. What did she do to her hand?” Gloria asked. “Let’s have a look at it now.”

Ember’s head felt light as she shook it. “After. We need to link up. Go in and help Winston.”

“Great. She thinks she’s invincible,” Gloria chastised. “Did she suffer a concussion, too?”

“Are you gonna argue with her,” Anna said with a glare, “or are we gonna do as she says? Because I don’t know if you know this lady very well, but she can even out-stubborn a German.” She hooked a thumb at her own chest with that declaration.

The Healers exchanged looks, but ultimately capitulated.

Geoff and his Gibson mandolin, Gabby, took up their position next to an anxious Jeri. The two Healers stood on either side of the Restoration Chamber, their fingers aligning as before with the sedated patient’s meridians.

“I’ll need to…withdraw the Aura Shield.” Ember’s voice was halting. It took a lot out of her, keeping up even such a tiny shield for such a long time. The frost had all melted around her hand, but the force contained within her fist had a sentience of sorts. She had yet to see the feather itself. Numb as her hand was, she felt the pressure of the Spirit World energy pushing back against the Aura Shield.

“Take your dose of lichen tea,” Gloria instructed. “We’ve all had ours.”

Geoff was the one to hand her a small glass cylinder of cloudy amber liquid. His absinthe green eyes blinked rapidly when she accepted. “They…they told me it would taste like orange soda. They lied to me.”

Ember swallowed the vinegary fluid and handed the vial back to him. As the tea began to circulate within her, she stepped to the head of the Restoration Chamber. Winston’s frozen expression was the same maniacal grin he had worn since arriving. The feeding tube had been removed, and a spot of clear saline remained on the corner of his withdrawn lips.

She could not imagine how difficult it must have been for Jeri to witness her husband in perpetual agony. To sit beside him day and night, knowing he was suffering in his comatose state, even as there was nothing anyone could do to help him.

Ember looked to the woman now, the skin around her eyes darkened with fatigue. She probably had not eaten since Sunday, had slept only when her body could handle staying awake no more. She was suffering alongside her husband, her misery a show of solidarity.

I sure hope this works.


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